Creating value fields or calls of blocks by using the content assist in FBD

How to create →value fields and/or →calls of →blocks in the →graphical FBD-editor by using the Content Assist:

  1. Position the mouse pointer over an empty space – where you need the value field or the call.

  2. Start the content assist: From the context menu of the FBD-editor, select Content Assist. Alternative: Press Ctrl+Space.
    Result: An input field is opened. Below it, a list with all available elements is displayed:



    , , , or

    an already existing →variable (see "Instance-related and PLC-related information and actions within Instances view" for the meaning of the icons)
    The data type of the variable is displayed, too. Example: T1 – TIME – Meaning: variable with name T1 and →data type TIME

    a →function

    a →function blockThe instance name and the type name is listed for already set calls. Example: MyTON – TON – Meaning: →function block instanceMyTON of the →function block typeTON

    If you want to close the input field without creating a value field or a call, click the primary mouse button outside the input field or press the ESC-key.

  3. Perform the following steps – depending on the requested FBD-element:

    Requested FBD-element


    Value field with a →literal

    1. In the input field, enter the literal, e.g. T#14ms.

    2. Press the Enter-key.

    Value field with a new variable

    See "Declaring variables in FBD".

    Value field with
    an already existing variable, e.g. 

    1. Enter one or more letters. This displays a list with all elements fitting your input.
      Example: Enter Var. The list provides all elements containing the text Var.

    2. Click an element in the list or select it (by using the mouse or the cursor movement keys) and press the Enter-key

    Call of a block
    (of a function  or
    a function block

    1. Enter one or more letters. This displays a list with all elements fitting your input.
      Example: Enter OR. The list provides: ORXORROR (and maybe other elements fitting the text OR)

    2. Click an element in the list or select it (by using the mouse or the cursor movement keys) and press the Enter-key

  1. Position the value field or the call in the FBD-editor by pressing the primary mouse button or the Enter-key.
    During this user action, it is possible that affected lines are automatically rerouted.  If the positioned element is presented with a red rectangle, the destination is not possible.
    (info) You might want to use the following key while positioning the element: Press the ESC-key, if you do not want to position the element and abort the action.

Alternatives to creation by using content assist: