Creating value field for input within the interface for a block

Use such a value field in order to set a →literal as default. As the value field is attached to a specific input of the block, this default value is valid for the input when the block is →called within the drawing field.
See "Value field within the interface for a block" how to use such value fields and an example.

If you are already using →calls of the →block within →graphical editors, Neuron recommends to close all editors before the interface is changed. When e.g. the FBD-editor is re-opened, the changed interface is automatically updated in some aspects.

How to create a value field within the interface 

  1. Select an input in the interface editor.

  2. From the context menu of the interface editor, select Create Value Field.
    (info) If the command is disabled, most likely there is already a value field for the input.

  3. Position the value field where you need it within the interface. It is possible to position the value field onto other elements of the interface (e.g. onto the name of the block).
    (info) You might want to use the following key while positioning the element: Press the ESC-key, if you do not want to position the element and abort the action.

  4. Press the primary mouse button.
    Result: The attachment is displayed within the interface editor by a line from the value field to the input. This line is not displayed, when the call is inserted in the drawing field.

How to enter a literal in the value field:

  1. Double-click the value field and enter the literal.

  2. Press the Enter-key or click anywhere outside the value field so that the literal is entered. Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard the literal.

How to delete a value field created in the interface:

From the context menu of the value field, select Delete. Alternative: Press the Del-key.

How to move a value field in the interface:

  1. Point to the value field that you want to move.

  2. Press and hold the primary mouse button, drag the value field to the destination and release the primary mouse button.

How to resize a value field within the interface:

  1. Point to an edge of the value field that you want to resize.
    Result: The mouse cursor changes its shape.

  2. Press and hold the primary mouse button, drag the edge to the requested size and release the primary mouse button.
    (info) It is not possible to make a value field larger than the interface.

How to change the appearance of a value field: See "Designing the appearance of the instance name, a value field and a comment field within the interface".