Configuring the display of the instance name for the interface of a function block

The interface editor provides a setting to determine whether the instance name for the set →function block is displayed by default or not. In case of a displayed instance name, you are able to determine the position of the instance name.

If you are already using →calls of the →block within →graphical editors, Neuron recommends to close all editors before the interface is changed. When e.g. the FBD-editor is re-opened, the changed interface is automatically updated in some aspects.

How to configure the display:

  1. Switch to the tab Properties.

  2. Check or uncheck Show instance name.

Mind the following:

  • By default, the instance name is displayed centered above the set function block.

  • It is possible to show or hide the instance name for the already set function block.

How to change the position of the displayed instance name:

  1. Point to the instance name within the preview of the interface editor.
    Result: A frame around the field of the instance name is displayed.

  2. Press and hold the primary mouse button. It is possible to position the instance name onto other elements of the interface (e.g. onto the name of the block).
    (info) Possible positions for the displayed instance name are:

    • positions within the interface

    • the default position above the top block edge

  3. Release the primary mouse button.

If the instance name is positioned within the interface, it is possible to resize the field displaying the instance name:

  1. Point to the instance name within the preview of the interface editor.
    Result: A frame around the field of the instance name is displayed.

  2. Point to an edge of this frame.
    Result: The mouse cursor changes its shape.

  3. Press and hold the primary mouse button, drag the edge to the requested width/height and release the primary mouse button.

Mind the following:

  • Define a width large enough to not truncate the instance name displayed for a call within the drawing field.

  • At present, a height exceeding one line for the instance name does not have any effects on the displayed instance name. The usage of a larger height is recommended as soon as a different font size can be selected for the instance name. 

  • The changed width and height are only valid for the positions within the interface. If the instance name is displayed on the default position above the top block edge, the default width/height are used.

How to change the appearance of the instance name: See "Designing the appearance of the instance name, a value field and a comment field within the interface".