Applying the local variant into the original project and creating a new library version

How to apply local variants into the original project:

  1. Open the following â†’projects:

    1. the project with the library configuration which was used to generate and deploy the library

    2. the project with the local variants which have been created for the library elements
      (warning) The library configuration and local variants must exist in the same version. This means, that Neuron Power Engineer will find only the local variants that have been created for the current version of the library configuration.
      As a consequence observe that the applying of a local variant is not possible. if a new version of the library is installed after the local variant has been created based on a previous version of the library.

  2. Select the library configuration, open the context menu and select the command Apply Library Variants.

  3. In the dialog, select the project containing the local variants.
    Result: A table lists all variants of this projects. It also details which object within the project and which library element is affected by the variant (= columns Original and Library Element).

  4. Recommended: Double-click one name (within the column Name) in order to list the differences between the variant and the original as text comparison.

  5. Check all variants (within the column Name) which you want to apply to the project with the library configuration.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Make sure that the applied variants do not cause any errors in the library within the library configuration. Thus, check the Error Log and Problems views that are not appropriate messages.

How to generate a new library with the applied variants (this is the procedure recommended by Neuron):

  1. Open the library configuration.

  2. Increase the version number for the libray and save the changed library configuration. Details on the syntax: see "Declaration of information on creation and references for the library".

  3. Generate the library anew. Details: see "Generating and examining a library or password-protected library".

  4. Deploy the updated library. Details: see "Deploying the library".