Viewing or changing the current parameter values

The safety parameter editor provides the possibility to be informed about the current configuration of safety relevant hardware devices and to change the values:

  1. Expand the group with the parameter value: Click on the icon images/download/thumbnails/521700643/CollapsedGroup-version-1-modificationdate-1684935005688-api-v2.png which is displayed in front of the group name or click on the name of the group itself. Or navigate to the icon images/download/thumbnails/521700643/CollapsedGroup-version-1-modificationdate-1684935005688-api-v2.png by using the Tab-key and press the Enter-key .

  2. Repeat expanding the groups until the parameter value is visible.
    Alternative: Expand all groups at once by clicking Expand all in the control bar. Or navigate to Expand all by using the Tab-key and press the Enter-key.

  3. Make sure that the column Value shows the correct value of the parameter.
    images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg When you hover over the field for Value , a tooltip informs you about the parameter data. Details: see "Components of the safety parameter editor".

  4. If you want to change this value, proceed as follows:

    1. Click in the field for the column Value. Change the value depending on the parameter: Specify the new value in the field, select the value from the given list or check the checkbox (or uncheck an existing checkbox).
      Result: The field for Value is highlighted with a yellow background color, as long as the change is not confirmed.

    2. Required for an entry field only: Confirm the change by pressing the Enter-key, clicking into the next field or pressing the Tab-key (to go to the next field). Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard your changes (in this case the original value will be restored).
      Result in case of a correct change: The background color of the field reverts back to white.
      Result of an incorrect change (see the illustration under " Hardware parameterization using the safety parameter editor ") : The field is highlighted with a red background color. In addition, a message (an error) in the line below the incorrect parameter informs about the incorrect value. In this case, correct the value correspondingly.
      Result of a change for which the safety parameter editor corrects the value to a correct value (see the following examples, starting with example 1a up to example 2b): The yellow background color is kept. In this case, a message (a warning) in the line below the changed parameter informs about the change of the safety parameter editor. In order to confirm the change, again press the Enter-key, click into the next field or press the Tab-key (to go to the next field). In order to restore the original value, press the ESC-key.

  5. If the column Commissionable contains a check box, you can additionally decide whether this parameter can be changed at application runtime. If yes, check this box. If not, do not check it.

  6. Repeat the steps 4 and 5 for each value you want to change.

Example 1a: You are changing the parameter value 6 to the value 07. The field for Value is highlighted with a yellow background color because you need to confirm your change first. If the s afety parameter editor changes the invalid value 07 to the valid value 7 (this change is done after you have confirmed your change), the yellow background color of the field is kept and a warning informs you about the change to the value 7. Now e.g. press the Enter-key in order to confirm the value 7 that has been entered by the safety parameter editor instead of your value 07. Or press the ESC-key in order to restore the original value 6.
Example 1b: You specify a floating point value using the exponent notation, such as 3.1415167e2. In this case, the safety parameter editor corrects the specified value to a notation without the exponent. Again, the field for Value is highlighted with a yellow background color because you need to confirm your change first. If the safety parameter editor changes the notation of the floating point value (this change is done after you have confirmed your change), the yellow background color of the field is kept and a warning informs you about the change to the value without the exponent. Now e.g. press the Enter-key in order to confirm the value that has been entered by the safety parameter editor instead of your value. Or press the ESC-key in order to restore the original value.

Due to the internal representation of floating-point numbers, the safety parameter editor might round the specified floating point value as follows:

  • If a single-precision floating-point number (also known as float32 value) has more than 7 digits in its fractional part, this value is rounded by the safety parameter editor to have at a maximum of 7 digits in its fractional part. See the following example 2a.

  • If a double-precision floating-point number (also known as float64 value) has more than 15 digits in its fractional part, this value is rounded by the safety parameter editor to have a maximum of 15 digits in its fractional part.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg When you hover over the field for Value, the tooltip informs you about the type of the floating point value. The value is either Float32 or Float64.

Also observe: If a specified value cannot be precisely interpreted as a floating-point number, the safety parameter editor corrects the value to the corresponding floating-point number. See the following example 2b.

Example 2a: You are changing a floating point value to the value 3.14151617181920. The field for Value is highlighted with a yellow background color because you need to confirm your change first. As the value is too long, the safety parameter editor rounds the value (this also changes your value that you confirmed). Here, the yellow background color of the field is kept as well and a warning informs you about the change. Now e.g. press the Enter-key in order to confirm the value that has been entered by the safety parameter editor instead of your value. Or press the ESC-key in order to restore the original floating point value.

Example 2b: The specified floating point value value 3.1415166 is rounded by the safety parameter editor to 3.1415167. The reason is that 3.1415166 is represented as 3.14151668548583984375 as a floating-point number, which is finally rounded to have a 7 digit fraction. Again, t he field for Value is highlighted with a yellow background color because you need to confirm your change first as for example 2a.

Good to know

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg To collapse a group, click the icon images/download/thumbnails/521700699/ExpandedGroup-version-1-modificationdate-1684936841052-api-v2.png which is displayed in front of the group name or click the name of the group itself. Or navigate to the icon images/download/thumbnails/521700699/ExpandedGroup-version-1-modificationdate-1684936841052-api-v2.png by using the Tab-key and press the Enter-key .
Alternative: Collapse all groups at once by clicking Collapse all in the control bar. Or navigate to Collapse all by using the Tab-key and press the Enter-key.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg The mark images/download/thumbnails/526551042/GroupUncheckMark-version-1-modificationdate-1690459772931-api-v2.png is displayed before the name of the top group, if this group contains changed parameter values that have not been saved yet.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg In addition, the dirty flag * in the tab makes you aware of unsaved changes in the editor. For details on saving, see "Saving safety parameter editor".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg If you revert an already changed value to its initial value (e.g. by entering its initial value into the entry field and confirming the change), the safety parameter editor still considers the parameter as changed.