Updating applications for several PLCs or discarding the updates

You are able to use the resource manager to update several already loaded applications in one go. This function is also known as reloading the application or just as the reload.
At first, you will be preparing the updates – these preparations might be time-consuming. The subsequent updates of the applications will be quick and easy because they are based on the existing preparations.

Conditions for updating the applications :

  • The applications have already been loaded onto the PLCs.

  • The PLC, i.e. the corresponding platform within the PLC-object, supports the updating of the application.

How to update the applications:

  1. In the Resource Manager view : Select one or several PLCs (= appertaining IEC-resource with icon images/download/attachments/406126785/Resource-version-1-modificationdate-1530007752717-api-v2.png ).
    images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg Select one PLC by clicking onto it. Select several PLCs by pressing and holding the
    Shift-key or the Ctrl-key while clicking onto the next PLC. Or press Ctrl+A in order to select all PLCs within the resource manager.

  2. Click images/download/thumbnails/443056489/PrepareUpdate-version-1-modificationdate-1583142198720-api-v2.png (Prepare Update). If the fingerprint in the column ID (local) differs from the fingerprint in the column ID (Generated) for the selected applications, you are able to decide whether to rebuild the applications or not .
    No matter what you are deciding, t he applications are not loaded for execution onto the PLCs during this step.
    Result, if the preparations are successfully concluded: The f ingerprints are displayed/updated within the column ID (Prepared) for the applications.

    1. If you clicked Yes to confirm the prompt, logi.CAD 3 uses the current state of the application for preparing the update.

    2. If you clicked No, logi.CAD 3 uses the state of the application as it has already been built at a previous time.

  3. Click images/download/thumbnails/443056494/UpdateApplication-version-2-modificationdate-1583142326169-api-v2.png (Update Application) and confirm the prompt (click Yes).
    Result: The prepared applications are loaded onto the PLC to be executed . Afterwards the fingerprints within the column ID (On Target System) are updated for the applications. At the same time, the fingerprints within the column ID (Prepared) are deleted (instead the column displays ---).

Good to know

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg If you want to discard the preparations because you do not need them anymore, click images/download/thumbnails/443056501/DiscardPreparedUpdate-version-1-modificationdate-1583142392387-api-v2.png (Discard Prepared Update).
Result: The prepared applications are not loaded onto the PLC to be executed . T he fingerprints within the column ID (Prepared) are deleted as well during this action (instead the column displays ---).