Showing/hiding not connected in-/outputs

How to hide in-/outputs of the →call for a →block in the →graphical FBD-editor:

  1. Select one or several inputs/output of the call by clicking onto the in-/outputs while pressing and holding the Ctrl-key.
    Hiding is only possible for in-/outputs that are not connected to other FBD-elements by lines or that are not negated. You are not able to hide in-/outputs that are connected or negated, because in these cases the in-/outputs are not displayed by default.

  2. From the context menu of the FBD-editor, select Show/Hide and In-/Output. Alternative: Press the v-key.
    Result: The connection point for the in-/output is hidden. But if it has already been hidden, the in-/output is shown again.

Example: The connection point for the output out2 is shown for the upper call MyFB1. In the lower call MyFB2, the connection point is hidden.
