Preparing the target system for usage with PROCON-WEB

First you have to prepare the target system for PROCON-WEB IoT so that the visualization for the target system can be used.

Installing and starting logi.RTS

Install and start logi.RTS on the target system. Details: see "Installing the development environment and the runtime environment and Starting the development environment and the runtime environment".

Loading the logi.CAD 3 application onto the target system

In logi.CAD 3, create a project with the required application and load this application onto the target system.

The appropriate steps are outlined in one of the tutorials for the supported target systems. Or see "Building and loading application onto PLC" within the reference documentation for details on loading.

Installing and starting the PROCON-WEB IoT driver on the target system

The following steps are valid for a Linux target system only.

  1. Transfer the file procon-web-iot-x.y.tar.gz onto the target system.
    This file can be obtained from logi.cals (x.y is a placeholder for the respective version number). Use an auxiliary tool for a secure transfer of files (e.g. PSCP) – see e.g. under "Installing and starting the runtime system on Raspberry Pi", if you need details on how to use PSCP.

    Example for file transfer using PSCP
    pscp procon-web-iot-x.y.tar.gz USER@IP_ADDRESS:/opt/

    Replace x.y by the appropriate version number and USER@IP_ADDRESS by a user name and the IP address of the target system.

  2. Change to the target system. Best practice is to use a terminal window of PuTTY – see e.g. under "Configuring Raspberry Pi", if you need details on how to use PuTTY.

  3. In the terminal window, change to the folder opt of the target system and unpack the transferred file (but replace x.y by the appropriate version number again).

    cd /opt/
    tar –xvf procon-web-iot-x.y.tar.gz
  4. Delete the transferred file procon-web-iot-x.y.tar.gz on the target system (but replace x.y by the appropriate version number again).

    rm procon-web-iot-x.y.tar.gz
  5. Change into the created folder.

    cd /opt/procon-web-iot/
  6. Start PROCON-WEB IoT on the target system. You are able to execute the start with or without a console.

    1. With console:

      ./procon-web-iot &
    2. Without console:

      ./procon-web-iot &>/dev/null

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg If you want to have the PROCON-WEB Iot driver automatically started on the target system, see the documentation on the PROCON-WEB Iot driver by GTI control.