More messages

This section lists errors/warnings that cannot be assigned to any of the other categories.

The requested variables have reached the limit of number. It is not possible to display more values.
Solution: See under ""Values of Variables" view does not display all values because the limit has been reached".

Failed data request for the force markers because there are more than number force markers.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the start options for logi.CAD 3. Information: The start option lc3.targetwatchlist.entries.max can be used in order to increase the number of variables (and hence the number of force markers) for the data request.

The "PLC Logging" view cannot receive traces. (Cause: Text)
Possible cause: The UDP port 7777 is used by another instance of logi.CAD 3 and/or another program.
Solution 1: Terminate this instance of logi.CAD 3 and continue working in the other instance.
Solution 2: Terminate the other program and restart logi.CAD 3.
Solution 3: If you do not need to use the "PLC Logging" view, ignore the message.

.properties file could not be found.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: The specified configuration file of the platform configuration (PTK) could not be found. Check the implementation of the method getPropertiesFilePath() of the class PlatformToolkitPlugin.

One or more editors referencing the file "name" are already open. Close the other editors to prevent the loss of unsaved changes. or
One or more editors referencing the file "name" are already open and have unsaved changes. Save the other editors to prevent the loss of unsaved changes.

Possible causes:

Solution: Close all editors that have been opened for the same element and/or for elements that are declared in the same object.

Link to library with ID "name" cannot be created.
Link to library with ID "name" cannot be removed.
Solution 1: Start logi.CAD 3 with a new workspace. See "Block or library is not available in projects" for details.
Solution 2: Install logi.CAD 3 anew and start/use this installed version.
Solution 3, if the message is displayed again: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Unable to find library with ID "name".
Solution 1: Install logi.CAD 3 anew and start/use this installed version.
Solution 2, if the message is displayed again: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

The library "name" that is used within the project "name" has been generated in the product version number and is not compatible to the currently used product version.
As additional information: If library elements of the specified library are used within the project, it is possible due to this incompatibility that the application cannot be built and loaded onto the PLC.
Solution 1: Ask the manufacturer of the library for an updated version of the library that is compatible to the version of logi.CAD 3 that you are using. Subsequently, you must remove the used version of the library from the project at first (see under "Deleting already deployed libraries") and then you must install the current version of the library.
Solution 2: Install the version of logi.CAD 3 that is specified within the message and start/use the project with the library in this version.

The library "name" cannot be installed because the project "name" contains a folder as named as the library.
Solution 1: Delete the folder that is as named as the library from the project. Then repeat the action that you just tried to perform.
Solution 2: Ask the manufacturer of the library to generate/deploy the library under a different name. Best practice is to enter a fully qualified name when declaring the library (see under "Declaration of information on creation and references for the library").

The library "name" with "name" for the specification "PROVIDER" and "name" for the specification "SOURCE" has not been found. It is replaced by the library of the same name that has been deployed under "path" by the library provider "name".
Solution: Copy the library to the folder where it is searched for according to the →library reference. Or correct the specifications within the library reference so that the library is found.

Libraries cannot be installed or uninstalled because the library reference is faulty.
Solution: Fix the errors in the library references that are reported for the resource libraries.libref within the Problems view. Then repeat the action that you just executed, such as opening/importing the project or installing/uninstalling a library.

The password is not correct. Hence, it is not possible to provide the protected sources for the library "name" to view them.
Solution: Repeat the action of view the protected sources of the library. Now enter the correct password.

The folder "name" is in use by another program. Hence, it is not possible to provide the protected sources for the library "name" to view them. or
The folder "name" is in use by another program. Hence, it is not possible to hide the sources for the library "name".

Solution: Restart the computer where logi.CAD 3 is installed. Subsequently it is assumed that the specified folder is not in use by another program anymore (e.g. in a command prompt of the operating system). Now repeat the action to view or hide the protected sources of the library.

Project "name" is not a logi.CAD 3 project. Close and open the project anew to fix this problem.
Solution: Close the project and re-open the project. During this opening, a n internal project setting (known as project nature) is automatically added for the project that is needed for logi.CAD 3.

A value too low has been defined for "name". Hence, the minimum value 100 is used for limiting the validation. Possible values are > 99 (for limiting the validation) or 0 (for not limiting the validation). or
A value too low has been defined for "name". Hence, the minimum value 100 is used for limiting the output of CDT error messages. Possible values are > 99. or
A value too low has been defined for "name". Hence, the minimum value 100 is used for limiting the output of CDT warning and informational messages. Possible values are > 99.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the mentioned start option.

Aborted validation of "name" due to overload of errors in the project.
1: F ix as many of those errors as possible before the validation is being continued (e.g. by saving the editor contents). .

Solution 2: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the start options for logi.CAD 3. Information: If all the errors are detected in one single file, the Problems view always displays the actual error messages of this file. Errors determined by the system will always be displayed in the view as well.

Error while loading the template from file "name". Details: information
Fix: Contact the administrator or system integrator who enhanced logi.CAD 3 by object templates and ask for a correct, valid object template.

The gRPC server has not been started. or
The gRPC service is not available.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the start options for logi.CAD 3. Information: Usually, logi.CAD 3 must be started with the start option -Dlc3.serverport=50055 to set the correct server port for the gRPC server.