Errors and warnings when validating the application

This section quotes all errors and warnings that might occur when an application is validated.
In addition to the messages within this article, the validation of the application might report some errors and warnings for ST-code or FBD-logic for which the messages and its a ppropriate solution are listed under "Errors and warnings in ST" or "Errors and warnings in FBD".

  • Error while configuring a model rule in "file name"

  • Error while configuring a model rule group in "file name"

  • Unexpected error while configuring a model rule in "file name"

  • Unexpected error while configuring a model rule group in "file name"

  • File "file name" not found

  • Property "name" not specified

  • Validation of property "name" failed

  • Error while localizing a model rule in "file name"

  • Message for key "name" not found in "file name"

  • Property "name" must not be localized

  • Model rule not found (ID: "ID", name: "name")

  • Model rule already exists

  • Several model rules have the same ID "ID". These model rules cannot be used.

  • Model rule group not found (ID: "ID", name: "name")

  • Model rule group already exists

  • Several model rule groups have the same ID "ID". These model rule groups cannot be used.

  • Error while configuring a model rule (ID: "ID", name: "name")

  • Error while configuring a model rule group (ID: "ID", name: "name")

  • Inconsistent configuration for rule "name", value "value". Default configuration is used, whereas configuration by platform toolkit is ignored.

  • Inconsistent configuration for rule "name", value "value". Project configuration is used, whereas configuration for resource is ignored.

  • Inconsistent configuration for rule "name", value "value". Predefined settings are used, whereas user-defined configuration is ignored.

  • Configuration for type is inconsistent: The combination of allowed values does not contain the value "value".

The solution for all these above-mentioned errors is: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the configuration for the model rules.

Error when validating: Report could not be created. Details: Text
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Error when validating: Failed to write report file.
Solution: Make sure that there are appropriate permissions to create files in the project/order.

Direct line starts at position: x=number, y=number. This is in conflict with a rule.
Solution: Position the FBD-elements in the FBD-editor so that orthogonal lines are created. See "Automatic routing of lines" for information why direct lines have been created.

Line leading from right to left starts at position: x=number, y=number. This is in conflict with a rule.
Solution: Position the FBD-elements in the FBS-Editor so that the line is drawn from left to right. Alternative: Use →connectors and →continuations instead of the line.

ST-objects must not contain more than one element on the top level.
Solution: Declare only just one element (e.g. one →POU) per ST-object.

ST-objects may only contain elements with the name of the ST-object on the top level.
Solution: Change the name of the ST-object so that it matches the name of the included element (e.g. of the POU). Alternative: Change the name of the element within the ST-object.

"name" with base data type "name" must not be declared/used because of illegal data type.
Solution: Delete the specified element. Alternative: Use a different data type for the element.

The program "name" has not been assigned to any task.
Solution: Assign the program type within the PLC-object (see "Assigning program type within PLC-object"). Hence, a →task will be assigned .

The input "name" of the block "name" is negated but not connected.
Solution: Delete the negation for the input of the block.

"name" is negated. Inputs and outputs must not be negated.
Solution: Delete the negation for the in-/output.

"name" is not positioned on the correct block edge. Inputs must be positioned on the left block edge, outputs on the right one.
Solution: Correct the orientation of the in-/output. See "Changing position and orientation of in-/outputs in the interface for a block"

Block "name" must not be used.
Solution: Delete the specified →block.

Block "name" must not be used with data type "name".
Solution: Delete the specified block. Alternative: Use the block with a different data type.

No valid identifier for object "name" of type "type". Specification: name and no names of the IEC system blocks and of default folders
Solution: Correct the object with the specified name so that the name is conform to the corresponding specification. Details: see "Predefined specifications for names of projects/folders/objects"

Connector name is not connected to any source. This is in conflict with a rule.
Solution: Connect the →connector with the output of another FBD-element, such as of a value field or a block.

Only one resource is allowed.
Solution: Delete all surplus →resources within the PLC-object so that there is only one resource left.

References to local variables are not allowed in functions/methods. "name" is a local variable.
Solution 1: Do not use REF() with the specified variable within a function/method. See "Declaration of reference variables (incl. assignments to them)" about possible reference declarations.
Solution 2: Deactivate the rule References to local variables must not be used in functions/methods. However in this case, logi.CAD 3 will deviate from the →IEC-standard. Details: see "Rules for the validation of an application".

Function block "name" must not be used due to user-defined data types. or
Function block "name" must not be used due to arrays. or
Function block "name" must not be used due to references. or
Function block "name" must not be used due to data type DATE, TIME_OF_DAY and/or DATE_AND_TIME. or
Function block "name" must not be used due to data type CHAR and/or STRING.
Function block "name" must not be used due to external variables. or
Function block "name" must not be used due to in-out variables. or
Function block "name" with specification "{CustomImplementation}" must not be used due to the missing specification "{ ImplementationProperties (functionHasCFile;) }". or
Because of the library type "name", the derived data type "SAFEBOOL" must be declared with the base type "BYTE". or
Because of the library type "name", the derived data type "SAFEINT" must be declared with the base type "INT". or
Because of the library type "name", the function block "name" must not be used. This function block is using the derived data type "SAFEBOOL" and the base type "BYTE" is expected for "SAFEBOOL". or
Because of the library type "name", the function block "name" must not be used. This function block is using the derived data type "SAFEINT" and the base type "INT" is expected for "SAFEINT". or
Function block "name" must not be used due to retentive variables.

Solution 1, if you want to generate a logi.SAFE or logi.WEB library: Correct the content of the library configuration or of the library element so that the restrictions for logi.SAFE/logi.WEB libraries are fulfilled (see "Peculiarities for logi.SAFE/logi.WEB libraries"). Then generate/validate the library anew.
Solution 2: Correct the library type within the library configuration (e.g. to "LOGICAD") so that the restrictions are not valid. Then generate/validate the library anew.

The namespace of the language element "name" does not match the namespace "name" of the parent folder.
Solution: Correct the →namespace in the respective editor so that the namespace and the parent folder (= the namespace folder) match. Alternative: Remove the namespace assignment so that the namespace folder becomes a regular folder.

Identifier "name" already used in another namespace folder.
Solution: Correct the namespace folder to be a different identifier. Alternative: Remove the namespace assignment so that the namespace folder becomes a regular folder.

"name" is used in a value field.
Solution: Correct the usage of →expressions so that only →literals, →constants or →variables are used.

Instance "name" is called multiple times.
Solution: Delete all →calls of the same →instance except for one call.

"element1" is overlapping "element2" in the interface.
Solution: Move the mentioned elements in the interface so that they do not overlap anymore.

"name" is used.
Solution: Delete the mentioned →connector and/or the mentioned →continuation.