Errors and warnings related to artifact identity

This section contains errors and warnings that can occur when checking artifact identity.

  • The artifact identity is invalid. Check the view "Error Log" for more information.

  • The artifact could not be validated successfully because the file "name" has been changed.

  • The artifact could not be validated successfully because the file "name" in the library "name" has been changed.

  • The artifact could not be validated successfully because there is no artifact identity for the file "name".

  • Project "name" does not exist.

  • Library "name" could not be validated.

  • The content of the file "name" does not match its artifact identity.

  • The artifact identity of the file "name" has not been found.

  • Failed to check artifact identity of "name".

To solve the errors listed above: Save the named file or object in a qualified editor from logi.CAD 3 so that the artifact identity is updated. After that, perform the action where the message was displayed again. If the message appears again, contact the system integrator or vendor of the library.