Entering or changing the initial value for a declared variable

How to only enter an →initial value for a variable already declared within a →graphical editor or only change an already existing initial value:

  1. Make the list of declared variables visible. Alternative for an →input variable, →output variable or →in-/out variable: Open the interface editor for the object (from within the project explorer).

  2. In this list, select the variable and click onto the initial value of the variable.
    Alternative: Use the command Edit Initial Value provided within the context menu or press Ctrl+I.

  3. Enter the requested text.

  4. Accept the change by pressing the Enter-key or clicking the primary mouse button outside of the current field . Press the ESC-key , if you want to discard the change.

Good to know

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg logi.CAD 3 provides the additional possibility to change the name, the data type and the initial value of the variable at one go. See "Changing name, data type and initial value of a declared variable" for this possibility.