Viewing or changing the current parameter values

The safety parameter editor provides the possibility to be informed about the current configuration of safety relevant hardware devices and to change the values:

  1. Expand the group with the parameter value: Click on the icon images/download/thumbnails/521700643/CollapsedGroup-version-1-modificationdate-1684935005688-api-v2.png which is displayed in front of the group name or click on the name of the group itself.

  2. Repeat expanding the groups until the parameter value is visible.
    Alternative: Expand all groups at once by clicking Expand all in the control bar.

  3. Make sure that the column Value shows the correct value of the parameter.

  4. If you want to change this value, proceed as follows:

    1. Click in the field for the column Value. Change the value depending on the parameter: Specify the new value in the field, select the value from the list or check the checkbox (or uncheck an existing checkbox).
      Result: The field for Value is highlighted with a yellow background color.

    2. Press the Enter key to confirm the change, i.e. to apply this change.
      Result in case of a correct change: The background color of the field reverts back to white.
      Result of an incorrect change: The field is highlighted with a red background color. In addition, a message in the line below the incorrect parameter informs about the incorrect value. In this case, correct the value correspondingly.

  5. If the column Commissionable contains a check box, you can additionally decide whether this parameter can be changed at application runtime. If yes, check this box. If not, do not check it.

Good to know

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg To collapse a group, click the icon images/download/thumbnails/521700699/ExpandedGroup-version-1-modificationdate-1684936841052-api-v2.png which is displayed in front of the group name or click the name of the group itself.
Alternative: Collapse all groups at once by clicking Collapse all in the control bar.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg If you want to change several parameter values and apply all changes at once, proceed as follows:

  1. Click in a field for the column Value and change the value for that parameter.
    Result: This field is highlighted with a yellow background color.

  2. Click into the next field or press the Tab-key to go to to the next field. Change the value for this parameter.
    Result: This field is also highlighted with a yellow background color.

  3. Repeat the last step as often as you want.
    Result: All changed fields for Value are highlighted with a yellow background color.

  4. To accept the changes in a group, click the button Accept group that is displayed at the end of the group. The changed background color for the fields informs you whether the change is correct or incorrect.
    Alternative to accept all changes: Press the button Accept all displayed below the last group. This button is available only if all groups are expanded.