→Feedback loop

also known as feedback path, according to →IEC-standard: A feedback path is said to exist in a →network when the output of a →function or →function block is used as the input to a function or function block which precedes it in the network; the associated →variable is called a feedback variable. ... A feedback variable can also be an output element of a function block data structure.

Examples for feedback loops in the FBD-editor


This shows an explicit feedback loop. The variable run is the feedback variable.

An explicit feedback loop is caused by a line connecting an output to a preceding input. Here the output of the →value field with the variable run has been connected to an input of OR.


This shows an implicit feedback loop. Here the variable run is the feedback variable, too.

An implicit feedback loop is caused by using a variable receiving its value from an output and being the input value to a preceding input. Here the variable run receives its value from the output of ADD and it is used as input of OR.

Feedback loops must be resolved for the →evaluation of networks.

Certain types of feedback loops are supported in logi.CAD 3 (images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg ), others are not (images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/error.svg ).

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg , if the output of a function block is connected to a previous input
Example: images/download/attachments/405111148/FBLoop_Supp1-version-1-modificationdate-1529664809812-api-v2.png

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg , if the output of a function is connected to a previous input and there is a variable in between (this variable might even be the output variable of a function block in between)
Examples: images/download/attachments/405111154/FBLoop_Supp2-version-1-modificationdate-1529664855537-api-v2.png und images/download/attachments/405111159/FBLoop_Supp3-version-1-modificationdate-1529664919670-api-v2.png

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/error.svg , if the output of a function is connected to a previous input and there is no variable in between
Example: images/download/attachments/405111165/FBLoop_NotSupp1-version-1-modificationdate-1529664966086-api-v2.png

By default, feedback loops for functions without a variable in between are highlighted as errors. No execution order is shown for these network elements and it is not possible to build and load the application onto the PLC.
The best practice is to use the quick fix in order to insert a variable between the output and the input of the function .
Alternative: It is possible to change the behavior of logi.CAD 3 so that such feedback loops for functions without a variable in between are highlighted as warnings. T hen the execution order is displayed for these network elements as well. Provided there are no other errors in the application, it is possible to build and load the application onto the PLC. If you prefer this alternative, you must define the start option lc3.fbdPreserveFunctionOutputs for logi.CAD 3. Best practice is to contact your administrator in order to have this configuration variable correctly defined. Moreover, observe that this start option is also changing the behavior of functions in case of EN=FALSE (see "Execution control: EN, ENO" for details).