Configuring the runtime system for using EC-Master

Configuring logi.RTS

  1. If logi.RTS is running on the Windows PC that is used as PLC, terminate logi.RTS.

  2. Open a command prompt on the Windows PC and change to sub-directory PLC of the logi.RTS installation directory.

  3. Open file RTSIO.cfg in any text editor and change its content as follows:


    Example for the changed lines

    Search for line Load EtherCAT Master IO driver.
    Delete the comment character # in the lines below (up to and including the line LoadLibrary RTSS_ECM).

    # Load EtherCAT Master IO driver
    AddSymbol ECMIO.EniSource code://
    AddSymbol ECMIO.SyncTask code://
    AddSymbol ECMIO.IoCycleTime 2
    AddSymbol ECMIO.Debug off
    AddSymbol ECMIO.IP ""
    LoadLibrary RTSS_ECM

    Search for line AddSymbol ECMIO.IP. Enter the IP-address of the reserved network interface card (if it is different than the already specified IP-address "").
    Aliases, such as localhost, are not supported.

  4. Save the changed file RTSIO.cfg.

  5. Restart logi.RTS on the Windows PC.

Requiring/Installing license for logi.RTS

Without activated license, you can operate the runtime system as demo version only – as a full version for 3 hours after starting the runtime system . For a longer operation, it is recommended that you request and install a license. If you need a license for logi.RTS, contact the support team of logi.cals .

Requiring/Installing license for EC-Master

Without activated license, the runtime of EC-Master is restricted to 4 hours per session. If you are interested in a version of the EC-Master that is not restricted, contact the support team of logi.cals