When is the application loaded onto PLC out-of-date?

Best place in logi.CAD 3 to identify an out-of-date application is within the Instances view:

Compare the fingerprints displayed as values for the IEC-resource and for Code identification. If they are different, usually the version on the PLC differs from the one in logi.CAD 3.
Possible causes for different fingerprints are listed under "When is the fingerprint for an application not changed and when is it changed?".

Modifications outside the application make "Refreshing" necessary.

If you edit/create →resources outside of logi.CAD 3, refresh the view in the project explorer afterwards!
This triggers logi.CAD 3 to refresh the view of the resources and its children and the fingerprint for the application created in logi.CAD 3.
Alternative for refreshing: Open the edited/created resource in logi.CAD 3.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg logi.cals recommends to install and use the most current versions of logi.CAD 3 and the runtime system so that the latest features and problem fixes according to the release notes are provided in the used version.

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