Exiting the development environment and the runtime environment

This article informs you how to exit the →integrated development environment logi.CAD 3 and the →runtime environment.

Exiting logi.CAD 3

In menu File, select Exit. Or click Close button in the titlebar of logi.CAD 3 (e.g. images/download/thumbnails/409862505/CloseWin-version-1-modificationdate-1531210793685-api-v2.png ).

Terminating the runtime system

The procedure to terminate the →runtime system depends on the used →PLC .

Terminating the runtime system on the local Windows-PC

The runtime system for Windows is built-in into logi.CAD 3 and is automatically terminated when logi.CAD 3 is exited. However, you can stop and start this built-PLC from within logi.CAD 3 at any time .

Terminating the runtime system on any Windows-PC

This procedure applies, if you have started t he runtime system on any Windows-PC.

Click Close button in the titlebar of the windows for t he runtime system (e.g. images/download/thumbnails/409862505/CloseWin-version-1-modificationdate-1531210793685-api-v2.png ).
Alternative: In the window where t he runtime system is executed, press Ctrl+C until the command prompt is available again.

Terminating the runtime system on a Linux-based target system

The following instructions are valid for the target system Raspberry Pi. Contact logi.cals, if you want to terminate t he runtime system on a different target system.

  1. Connect to the target system by using PuTTY and log on to it as described in the tutorials. Example: For Raspberry Pi, these instructions are listed under: "Configuring Raspberry Pi"

  2. In the terminal window of PuTTY, enter this command:

    pkill RTSLoader
  3. Again within the terminal window of PuTTY: Check whether logi.RTS is really terminated.

    ps aux | grep RTS

    The listed processes must not include RTSLoader. If it is listed, contact logi.cals in order to clarify the configuration of logi.RTS for your target system.

After the target system is restarted, t he runtime system is running again, if you have t he runtime system started at the system start (according to the tutorials).

Terminating the runtime system on Controllino or Arduino Nano

If you are using a Controllino or an Arduino Nano as target system , you do not need to terminate the runtime system on it.