Configuring PLC within PLC-object

How to configure the →PLC resp. how to define which PLC should be used when loading your application:

  1. Open a PLC-object.

  2. In the opened editor for the PLC-object, search for the lines starting with CHANNEL and ending with END_CHANNEL:

    Syntax in case of communication with target system via TCP/IP
    CHANNEL channel-name
    ADDRESS := address;
    PORT := 1534;
    Example for definitions in PLC-object
    CHANNEL LocalChannel
    ADDRESS :=;
    PORT := 1534;

    After you have created a project, usually there are already some settings specified for the PLC within the existing PLC-object (information about the possible definitions are listed under "Errors while editing PLC-object in editor, Correct syntax for PLC-object").

  3. Replace the definition for the IP-address by the corresponding data for your PLC.

  4. Search for the following line in the editor:

    RESOURCE resource-name ON platform-name { ON_CHANNEL := channel-name }
    Example for definitions in PLC-object
    RESOURCE local ON BuiltInPlc { ON_CHANNEL := LocalChannel }
  5. Make sure that in this line behind ON_CHANNEL the same name is entered as entered in CHANNEL ... END_CHANNEL.
    When loading the application for the example, the PLC under IP-address is addressed.

  6. If no platform is entered in the PLC-object, select one by using the content assist (in line RESOURCE ... behind ON). All available platforms are listed under "Available platforms".

  7. Save the PLC-object: menu fileSave

Available platforms

At present, the following platforms are available:


Use this platform, if you want to load the application on the following PLC.

entered within this existing PLC-object


on the local computer

within local, if the project has been created by using a general project template
(e.g. logi.CAD 3 Project)


on a Linux PC


on a Windows PC

More platforms might be provided in your version.

For instance, the following platforms are provided for the respective target system :


Use this platform, if you want to load the application on the following PLC.

entered within this existing PLC-object


on an →Arduino Nano

within arduinoNanoV3, if the project has been created by using a project template for Arduino Nano
(e.g. logi.CAD 3 Project for Arduino Nano V3)

ControllinoMEGA or

on a respective →Controllino

within controllinoMini, controllinoMaxi, controllinoMega or controllinoMaxiAutomation, if the project has been created by using the respective project template for Controllino
(e.g. logi.CAD 3 Project for Controllino MINI)


on a →Revolution Pi

within RevolutionPi, if the project has been created by using a project template for Revolution Pi
(e.g. logi.CAD 3 Project for Revolution Pi)


on a →phyBOARD-Regor

within phyBoardRegor, if the project has been created by using a project template for phyBOARD-Regor
(e.g. logi.CAD 3 Project for phyBOARD-Regor)


on a →phyBOARD-Wega

within phyBoardWega, if the project has been created by using a project template for phyBOARD-Wega
(e.g. logi.CAD 3 Project for phyBOARD-Wega)


on a →Raspberry Pi

within raspberry, if the project has been created by using a project template for Raspberry Pi
(e.g. logi.CAD 3 Project for Raspberry Pi)

Several PLC-configurations to quickly change the PLC-configuration

If you want to quickly address a different PLC when loading, you might want to consider providing several PLC-configurations.