Sorting or filtering global variables or sections

Sorting global variables or sections in the list

The global variables in the tab Variables as well as the sections in the tab Sections can be sorted by a column in ascending or descending order:

  1. Click the column header that you want the sorting to be based on.
    Result: images/download/thumbnails/414778171/FBDVarDeclDownArrow-version-1-modificationdate-1534238387636-api-v2.png in the column header indicates the descending order, images/download/thumbnails/414778176/FBDVarDeclUpArrow-version-1-modificationdate-1534238406512-api-v2.png indicates the ascending order.

  2. If you need to activate the other order type: Click on the column header again.

Filtering list content

By default, the list shows all global variables and sections declared in the global-object.

How to filter the list to view only global variables containing a particular text in the columns:

  • Click into the input field above the columns and enter a filter text.
    Result: A full text search is performed. The view lists only elements that are matching the filter text.

How to filter the list to view only sections containing a particular text in the columns Name or DMA:

  • Click into the input field above the columns and enter a filter text.
    Result: A full text search is performed. The view lists only elements that are matching the filter text.

How to view all global variables and sections respectively again:

  • Click into the input field above the columns and delete the filter text previously entered.

Good to know

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg If you create a new variable or section within the respective tab, this global variables or section is only displayed, if it matches the filter text.