Errors and warnings of the test framework

This section quotes all errors and warnings that might occur when using the test framework. E rrors and warnings that might occur when testing library elements are listed under " Errors and warnings when creating/testing a library ".

The path < WorkspacePath >/.metadata/.plugins/com.logicals.lc3.testframework.core/lc3TestKeywords/library is absolute. RED prefers using workspace-relative paths which makes your projects more portable
Additional information: When opening, importing and creating a project, the warning is automatically output by the tool "RED - Robot Editor". However, this warning does not impact the usage of the testframework.
Solution: Ignore this message.

The installation path of the test framework exceeds the maximum length by number characters. The project cannot be converted to a test project.
Additional information: Subsequently, the commands to execute the tests are not provided in the context menu of the test suite.
Solution: Exit logi.CAD 3. Shorten the installation path of logi.CAD 3 . Restart logi.CAD 3. Close and open the project so that it is converted to a test project and the context menu for the test suite provides the commands to execute the tests.

The SiL-test has been finished with errors. For more information check the Console view. or
The PiL-test has been finished with errors. For more information check the Console view.

Solution: Fix the cause for the error that is reported in the console. You might have to correct the executed test case or the tested POU itself. Then execute the test again.

Executed test suites must be within the same project.
Solution: Only select several test suites within the same project before you have the tests executed at the same time.

Cannot find a test coverage information file for "name".
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Could not find default value
Keyword must be "Data"
These messages do not appear, if you followed the instuctions on how to create the test suite, modify it by using Microsoft Excel and then have them executed.
Solution, if one of these messages is displayed anyway: Best practice is to correct the test suite file by using the Robot-Table-Editors (hence, do not use Microsoft Excel). See the documentation of the basic tools for details on the syntax; links are specified under "Testing a POU".

"Tolerance" or "Shift" attribute is missing for output variable.
Solution: Modify the testsuite by using Microsoft Excel, enhance the columns for outputs or return values by the specifications for Tolerance and Shift (see "Structure of the Excel test suite, modifying the worksheets" for details). Then import the test suite from Excel before you have the test executed again.

Removed invalid characters from the name of a test case. The name is now: name
Invalid characters are e.g. umlauts.

Sheet "name" not found.
Solution: Export a new test suite to Excel. Copy the missing worksheet from the new Excel file into the faulty Excel file.

Column "Time" is not found in test case "name".
Solution: Export a new test suite to Excel. Copy the missing column Time from the new Excel file into the faulty Excel file.

Test case "name" does not contain an expected value column but must contain one at least.
Solution: Open the test suite in Excel and insert at least one column for an output or the return value of the POU.

"name" is not a valid column header in sheet "name".
Solution: Open the test suite in Excel and delete the specified column. Use one of the predefined columns (e.g. Comments) of the Excel file for any notes.

Cell <x,y> in test case "name" must contain a value.
Solution: Open the test suite in Excel and enter a value in the specified cell.

No valid tolerance or shift within the expected value column "name".
Solution: Open the test suite in Excel and enter a valid value for Tolerance or Shift (e.g. 1).

Value of column "name" within test log file should be "value" but was "value". Details: test case "name", sequence number
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

The Excel worksheet "name" contains empty lines.
Solution: Open the test suite in Excel and delete the empty lines between existing test sequences.

File is not a valid Excel file.
Solution: Enter a valid Excel file.

Column "Time" contains invalid characters.
Solution: Enter numbers for the column Time.

Error while reading test log file
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Error within the test log file
Solution 1: Execute the tests again.
Solution 2, if the message is displayed again: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Error while opening test log viewer
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Project "name" not found
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Failed to create testbed file based on POU "name"
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Failed to find resource. Exception: "text"
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

The test suite could not be created because the POU "name" contains reference variables.
The test could not be executed because the POU "name" contains reference variables.
Solution: Delete the declarations/usages of the →references within the POU. Then try again to create the test suite or to execute the test.

Test suite could not be created based on POU "name". Clean the project before you try again.
Solution: Clean the project. Then try again to create the test suite for the POU.

No POU found with the given name.
Solution: images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg Enter the name of the POU under test as you would enter it when inserting a call (e.g. when using the content assist). Examples: AND (if you want to test the system block ADD) or MyFB1 (if you want to test the user-defined function block MyFB1). If the POU is declared within a →namespace, enter the fully qualified name, e.g. Standard.Timers.TON.

The newly created object could not be refreshed
Solution 1: Refresh the view within the project explorer. Then try again to create the test suite.
Solution 2, if the message is displayed again: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Project "name" not found
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Error while generating test coverage information for "name". Details: text
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Timeout while generating test coverage information for "name".
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

The name of the POU could not be determined.
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Test coverage cannot be loaded because of unsaved changes. Save the object and toggle the test coverage again.
Solution: Save the object before you are toggling the test coverage again.

Test coverage is out of date. Run the tests with coverage again.
Solution: Use the command Run SiL-Test with Coverage in order to have the tests executed with test coverage. Details: see "Executing the test".

The Excel worksheet "name" contains the invalid value "character" in column "name" and row "number". or
The Excel worksheet "name" contains the invalid value "character".

Solution: Replace the specified character within the Excel test suite by a different value that is valid ( see "Restrictions when using the test frameworks") before you import the changed test suite from Excel again and you run the test.

The XML report for test suite "name" could not be created.
Solution : Run the test again.
Solution, if the message is displayed again: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

The XML summary report "name" could not be loaded from: path.
Solution : Run the test again.
Solution, if the message is displayed again: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

Unknown test type could not be processed.
Solution: Contact the support team of logi.cals. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in logi.CAD 3 and all messages listed in

the Error Log view, Problems view and/or PLC Logging view.

The value "number" could not be parsed for the import. Used the default value as fallback.
Additional information: The value that has been defined within the properties of the project is used as default value for the cycle time (see under "Preparing an existing project for tests").
Solution: Open the test suite in Excel and enter a →duration literal for the cycle time (e.g. T#1ms). Then try again to import the test suite again.