Creating or editing properties fields in FBD

How to create →properties fields in the →graphical FBD-editor:

  1. From the context menu of the FBD-editor, select Create and Properties Field. Alternative: Press Ctrl+Shift+A.

  2. Position the properties field where you need it.
    During this user action, it is possible that affected lines are automatically rerouted. If the positioned element is presented with a red rectangle, the destination is not possible.
    images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg You might want to use the following key while positioning the element: Press the ESC-key, if you do not want to position the element and abort the action.

  3. Press the primary mouse button.
    Result: An input field is opened.

  4. Enter the properties according to this syntax:

    One line
    name := 'string'
    Several lines
    name_1 := 'string_1',
    name_2 := 'string_2',
    name_3 := 'string_3',
    name_n := 'string_n'


    • The name on the left side of the assignment operator ":=" must be an →IEC-identifier.

    • The expression on the right side of the assignment operator ":=" must be a character string literal within a →pragma.

      Examples for character string literals within pragmas

      Character string literals in pragmas consist of zero or more characters prefixed and terminated by the single quote character ' or by the double quote character ".



      literal with single quote

      '' (empty literal), 'OK', 'ABCDEF', 'B', ' ' (only a blank within the literal)

      literal with double quote

      "" (empty literal), "OK", "ABCDEF", "B", " " (only a blank within the literal)

      You are able to directly enter special characters, such as umlauts or €, but $ excepted, within the literal in ' as well as in ".
      As alternative, you are able to enter the special characters as a three-character combination of the dollar sign ($) followed by two hexadecimal digits. This is analogous to the input within character string literals.


      • Instead of "Änderung" or 'Änderung', you are able to enter "$C4nderung" or '$C4nderung'.

      • Instead of "€300" or '€300', you are able to enter "$80300" or '$80300'.

      See the glossary article "→Character string literal" for more examples on these combinations and informative links.

      Moreover, the following specifications are possible for character string literals in pragmas:





      in ': literal with single quote character '

      'This is $'just$' a test.'


      in ': literal with double quote character "

      'This is $"just$" a test.'


      in ': literal with double quote character "

      'This is "just" a test.'


      in ": literal with single quote character '

      "This is 'just' a test."


      in ": literal with double quote character "

      "This is ""just"" a test."


      in ": literal with double quote character "

      "This is $"just$" a test."


      in ": literal with single quote character '

      "This is $'just$' a test."

      Moreover, the following specifications are possible for character string literals in ' as well as in ":




      literal with dollar sign $

      $L or $l

      literal with line feed

      $N or $n

      literal with newline

      $P or $p

      literal with form feed (page)

      $R or $r

      literal with carriage return

      $T or $t

      literal with tabulator


      literal as a three-character combination of the dollar sign ($) followed by two hexadecimal digit (e.g. for special characters – as mentioned above)

    A text with several lines is possible – press Shift+Enter .
    Background information: A property field within the FBD-editor is analogous to the property statements in ST but without the enclosing characters: { }; of ST.

  5. Press the Enter-key or click anywhere outside the properties field so that the properties field with the text is created. Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard the properties field.

How to edit the text in a properties field:

  1. Double-click the properties field and enter the new text.

  2. Press e.g. the Enter-key so that the new text is entered in the properties field. Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard the new text.