Copyright notes

The information of this documentation may be changed without prior notice and does not present any obligation for logi.cals. The software described in this documentation is provided according to a licence agreement or secrecy agreement. The software may only be used or copied corresponding to the agreement conditions. The software must not be copied to any other media unless the licence or secrecy agreement permit so. No part of this documentation may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means with recording or information storage and retrieval systems without explicit written permission by logi.cals.

Training is not included in the delivery range.

Copyright © logi.cals GmbH. All rights reserved. 2013 – 2022

Automation Service Bus®, logi.CAD, logi.CED, logi.CAD 3, logi.CODE, logi.DIAG, logi.DICT, logi.DOC, logi.GUARD, logi.LINT, logi.PLC, logi.RTS, logi.SAFE, logi.SIL, logi.SYS, logi.VIS, logi.WEB and logi.cals® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of logi.cals GmbH.

All other mark and product names are the property of their respective trademark owners.

See License agreement for IDE listing the copyrights of the used components.