Windows SmartScreen appears when starting


  • When starting logi.CAD 3 under Windows 8.1, the Windows SmartScreen appears. The following message is displayed: Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting.


Solutions (choose the one fitting your security standards):

  • When the message is displayed, click More info and then Run anyway.

  • Before starting logi.CAD 3, turn the SmartScreen filter off (here in outline form): open Control Panel and System and Security – click on Action Center – click Change Windows SmartScreen Settings in the left sidebar – select Don't do anything (turn off Windows SmartScreen) and click OK

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg logi.cals recommends to install and use the most current versions of logi.CAD 3 and the runtime system so that the latest features and problem fixes according to the release notes are provided in the used version.

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