Errors when modifying the IO-configuration

This section quotes the errors that might occur when modifying the IO-configuration.

The hardware configurator could not be loaded at the specified IP address. Check if the correct IP address has been specified in the PLC object.
Solution: Open the PLC-object and make sure that the correct IP address of the corresponding PLC is specified. Details on changing the IP-address: see "Configuring PLC within PLC-object"

The configuration name does not contain a valid Channel
Solution: Open the PLC-object and make sure that a valid name has been entered behind ON_CHANNEL or VIA_CHANNEL.

Request timed out
Solution: Make sure that the PLC can be reached via the network. You might want to optimize your network configuration or the network data traffic for a shorter latencies during the communication.

Expected HTTP response code 200 but was number
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the IO configuration.

An error occurred while writing the global-object
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the IO configuration.

An error occurred while reading the configuration name
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the IO configuration.